In Alaska, natural gas consumption stands at over 480 million Btu per person, with more than 350 trillion Btu consumed each year. We ranked all 50 states, read on to find out more.

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In Alaska, natural gas consumption stands at over 480 million Btu per person, with more than 350 trillion Btu consumed each year. We ranked all 50 states, read on to find out more.
Every US state has at least one aquaculture farm. Mississippi leads by value of produce sold, with over $200 million annually. The state has close to 40,000 aquatic acres. Let’s see if the runners up surprise you.
Petroleum accounts for the main source of CO2 emissions across all US states. However, the total CO2 emission figures may surprise you since we ranked states based on CO2 per GDP.
One US state produces close to $30 billion US dollar’s worth of fruits and vegetables, while the runner up is just over $3 billion. See the top fruit and vegetable producing states in order.
The leading state by most female farmers has almost half of it’s entire farmer workforce consisting of women, with most farms having at least one female producer.
We explore which countries import the most US agricultural commodities. Our researchers explain the figures from both consumer-oriented and commercial perspectives.
Texas is unsurprisingly one of the highest gasoline consuming US states. In this study we found out which other states are up there with Texas, and which states use the least gasoline.
Texas is still the highest producer in the US, though the rest of the runner-up states are in close competition. See how oil reserves and the nunmberof refineries correlate with production volume.
We found out which states have the most electric vehicle charging stations, and the results may surprise you. You can find detailed data on the top 15, as well as the general list of top 50.
See which state economies depend most on securities trading. Statistics give insight into the share of such trade as part of state GDP, as well as employment data.
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