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How to Whitelist an Email Address?

Make Sure Emails End Up in Your Inbox (not SPAM) for Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc.
Last Updated:

Thank you for subscribing to our Commodity.com newsletter. To make sure you don’t miss out, we recommend “whitelisting” our email address: [email protected].

“Whitelisting” ensures that our newsletter won’t wind up in your spam folder, where you probably wouldn’t notice it.

How Do I “Whitelist” Commodity.com’s Email Address?

To make sure your Commodity.com newsletter doesn’t get lost, we’ve created some simple instructions below.


1. Do a search for an email from Commodity.com. When you find one, place your cursor over the subject line, then click and drag that email to the ‘Primary‘ inbox.

2. A pop-up window will ask “Conversation moved to Primary. Do this for future messages from [email protected]? ” Click ‘Yes.’

Now, all your Commodity.com newsletters will be delivered to your Primary inbox.

Alternative: Whitelisting From Your Gmail Spam Folder

If a Commodity.com newsletter is already in your spam folder, here’s an alternative method to whitelist it:

1. In your ‘Spam‘ folder select the email by ticking the box to the left of it

2. Then click ‘Not spam


1. Click on the ‘Settings‘ gear icon at upper right.

2. Scroll to the bottom and click ‘View all Outlook settings

3. A pop-up window will appear. Click on ‘Junk mail‘ in the left-hand vertical navigation

4. Then under ‘Safe senders and domains‘ click ‘+ Add

5. Type [email protected] into the blank field and click the blue ‘Save‘ button at bottom.

Alternative: Whitelisting From the Hotmail/Outlook Junk Folder

If our newsletter is already in your junk mail folder, you can use this alternative method to whitelist:

1. In the left-hand column navigation, click on ‘Junk mail

2. Select the message by either (a) clicking on the small circle at left, or, (b) at the top of the email click on ‘It’s not junk

3. Then, in the top horizontal navigation, click on ‘Not junk

4. A pop-up window will appear saying “Mark as Not Junk – this message will be moved to the inbox.” Click ‘Ok‘.

Yahoo! Mail

The easiest way to whitelist us on Yahoo! Mail is to add us as a contact. to do this, you need to:

1. Click ‘New Contact‘ on the main dashboard

2. Enter our email address, [email protected]

3. Click ‘Save‘ at the bottom of the page.

Alternative: Whitelist Us From Your Yahoo! Spam Folder

If one of our newsletter emails is already in your spam folder, you can whitelist it this way:

1. In your spam folder, select the Commodity.com email

2. Click “Not spam” at the top of the page

AOL Mail

Add Commodity.com as an AOL Mail contact to ensure you receive all newsletters. To do this:

1. Open AOL Mail and go to ‘Contacts

2. Select ‘New Contact

3. Choose a name to remember us by (like “Commodity Newsletter”) and enter our email address, [email protected]

Alternative: Whitelist Us From Your AOL Spam Folder

1. Open AOL Mail in your computer’s browser and log in

2. Navigate to the ‘Spam‘ folder

3. Open an e-mail from us and select ‘Not Spam‘ at the top of the page

iCloud.com Mail

To whitelist our address in iCloud.com mail do the following:

1. After logging into your icloud.com account, select “Contacts”

2. In the lower left area, click on the “+” symbol and select “New Contact”

3. Enter [email protected] and click “Done” at bottom right.

Alternative: Whitelist Us From Your iCloud.com Junk Folder

After 30 days, any email in your iCloud.com junk mail folder will be automatically deleted. So if you see a Commodity.com newsletter in your junk mail folder, do this:

1. Select the message 

2. Click the blue arrow icon. Then click ‘Move to inbox.’

3. Our newsletter will no longer show up in your junk mail folder.

Comcast.com Mail

Comcast has a sophisticated email filter system, so you need to set up a custom filter if you want to ensure you receive all our newsletters.

1. Sign into your Comcast Email account from your desktop device

2. Under ‘Xfinity Connect‘, go to Gear > Settings

3. Go to ‘Filter Rules‘ and select ‘Add new rule

4. Name the rule ‘Commodity.com

5. Go to ‘Conditions

6. Select ‘Add condition‘ and choose ‘Sender/from

7. Select ‘Contains‘ and type ‘[email protected]

8. Go to ‘Actions‘ and select ‘Add action

9. Click ‘Move to folder‘ and choose ‘Inbox‘ (or another preferred folder)

10. Click ‘Save

Alternative: How to Whitelist From a Comcast.com Spam Folder

1. Sign into your Comcast Email account from a desktop device

2. Select ‘Email

3. Go to the ‘Spam‘ folder

4. Find and open an email from us and click ‘Not Spam‘ in the top toolbar.


Proton uses what they call “allow lists” instead of “whitelists.” Follow these instructions:

1. Go to Settings > Filters > Spam filter > Allow List

2. Next to ‘Allow list‘ click on the ‘Add‘ button.

3. A small pop-up window will appear: add [email protected] to the empty field and click ‘Save.’


Why Is Whitelisting Necessary?

In efforts to filter out spam from your inbox, email service providers often send legitimate emails to your spam folder by mistake. Some services delete these emails automatically after 30 days. By whitelisting emails you can be sure the emails you want to see are not discarded.

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