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Economia do Reino Unido: Os números do comércio mostram um enorme aumento nas exportações de ouro

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This guide provides an overview of the United Kingdom’s (UK) economy, including the country’s primary imports and exports.

UK Economy Overview

The UK is currently ranked the 5th largest economy in the world. The country has a negative trade balance of -$187 billion, with annual imports of $651 billion exceeding exports of $464 billion.

Brexit-related uncertainty is predicted to weigh heavily on the UK economy over the next few years.

However, unemployment rates and GDP growth are expected to remain at current levels throughout the transition period, according to some economic forecasts.

Top UK Exports

Here is a breakdown of the most important products exported by the UK, both commodities and other notable exports.

Exportações de commodities

  • Crude petroleum – $26.4 billion
  • Gold – $25.8 billion
  • Refined petroleum – $14.5 billion
  • Platinum – $4.72 billion
  • Petroleum gas – $4.26 billion

Se estiver interessado em negociar algumas dessas commodities, você pode acessar nossa lista de corretores regulamentados recomendados em no final da página.

Outras exportações notáveis

  • Cars – $43.4 billion
  • Gas turbines – $23.5 billion
  • Packaged medicaments – $19.3 billion
  • Aircraft parts – $15.4 billion
  • Hard liquor – $8.11 billion

Top UK Export Destinations

Top UK Imports

Here is a breakdown of the most important products imported by the UK, both commodities and other notable imports.

Importações de commodities

  • Gold – $25.4 billion
  • Crude petroleum – $24.9 billion
  • Refined petroleum – $24.2 billion

Outras importações notáveis

  • Cars – $48.5 billion
  • Packaged Medicaments – $17 billion

Details on the UK’s Imports/Exports


The UK is the 2nd biggest exporter of gold in the world. Its annual exports of around $25.8 billion represent an 8.46% share of the global gold export market.

The country is also the fastest-growing gold exporting market, with 60.3% growth recorded between 2017 and 2018.


The UK is the 2nd biggest platinum exporter with a 14.7% share of the $32 billion global market, after South Africa with its 28.5% share.

Germany (21.2%), North Macedonia (19.1%), and Hong Kong (21.8%) receive almost two-thirds of the UK’s total gold exports.

Petróleo bruto

The UK is the 13th biggest exporter of crude petroleum. This represents 2.45% of all global crude petroleum exports.

The top fifteen exporters, with Saudi Arabia (15.3%) and Russia (12.4%) in the lead, account for over 75% of the world’s crude petroleum exports.


Annual silver exports of $1.4 billion make the UK the world’s 3rd biggest exporter of this precious metal. This equates to a market share of 7.69%.

The country is also the fastest growing silver export market with 86.8% growth reported between 2017 and 2018 when exports jumped from $752 million to $1.4 billion.

Did you know? The UK is a leading exporter of brochures and paintings with annual export markets worth $2.43 billion and $4.06 billion respectively.

Interesting Facts About the UK

  1. An English scientist invented sparkling wine forty years before the Frenchman Dom Perignon was credited with inventing this famous celebratory drink.
  2. London has one of the oldest and largest transport systems in the world.
  3. The famous UK tourist attraction of Stonehenge is older than the Egyptian pyramids.
  4. The British consume 165 million cups of tea per day.

Interessado em negociar commodities?

Interested in trading petroleum, gold, silver, platinum, and other important commodities from the UK? Learn more about UK-based brokers like Trade.com, ETX, and IG.

Otherwise, you can start your research with reviews of these regulated brokers available in .

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